Boxing Day Sale Extended!!!
Boxing Day Sale is here! We have a MASSIVE SALE going on right now!
- For purchases over $200, use discount code #BoxingDay20 for additional $20 off.
- For purchases over $400, use discount code #BoxingDay30 for additional $30 off.
- For purchases over $600, use discount code #BoxingDay40 for additional $40 off.
- For purchases over $800, use discount code #BoxingDay50 for additional $50 off.
- For purchases over $1000, use discount code #BoxingDay60 for additional $60 off.
- For purchases over $1200, use discount code #BoxingDay70 for additional $70 off.
- For purchases over $1400, use discount code #BoxingDay80 for additional $80 off.
- For purchases over $1600, use discount code #BoxingDay90 for additional $90 off.
- Use discount code #CaseAndScreen50 for 50% off on all cases and screen protectors.
Free Express Shipping!
1 to 2 days anywhere in Canada with tracking!
If you are in Calgary we can meet at a mutual location or deliver to your door SAME DAY.
Free for all orders $30 and over
Information About Cellular Savings
We are located in beautiful Calgary, Alberta. We specialize in selling UNLOCKED phones that works for all networks in Canada and Internationally. We understand phones can be very expensive so we pride ourselves in the best prices for the quality of phone you receive. All our phones have been thoroughly checked by certified technicians and we provide a free 1 Year warranty. (For devices purchased as of June 8th 2023. Any devices purchased before will have a 90 day warranty)